Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why do we place thought before truth…

Why do we believe that us as humans know the ways of the world more then the ways of the world should be understood we constantly think that what we think is right is correct rather then listening and understanding what is truly right my example to you is love! My example is the young lady I spoke about in my first blog. When you witness the two of us you know it's love you feel it's love and we believe it's love, but yet see refuses to be with me, not that see doesn't want to be we me or can't see her self with me, she believe that she needs time to solve problem on her own because of this we are constantly broken apart. If you love someone, well the way that I show my love for someone is by loving them unconditionally no matter what problems they may have and to be there for them and help guide them in their time of need, when I fall in love with someone I fall in love with who they are not what they have done. It's whom someone is which makes him or her great. What they do can be a negative or a positive depending on the action. Anyways we are told that when we find true love we just know but here is the question I propose to you how can we know when true love is among us when we follow the ways of the world, is it possible to fall in love at first sight... why not, why is it so weird to just fall in love. My point A man is a man, water is water, fire is fire and love is love what is true is true and what is thought is tainted by the ways of the world. Fall in love and believe it follow it and care for it don't abuse it because once you lose it, it may never come again.

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